354 Old Hook Road Suite 102
Westwood, NJ 07675
Alex Cheng, MD, is a licensed psychiatrist in New Jersey and New York and is practicing in Westwood and Teaneck with Dr. Pritesh Shah. Dr. Cheng's experience in treating patients with mental disorders in a large New York City medical center has helped him develop a caring approach that encompasses the most advanced treatment options with balancing the need of each individual patient.
Dr. Cheng has a special interest in helping other clinicians treat patients with psychological issues who seek medical care. Before earning his medical degree, he volunteered in a number of hospitals in the emergency departments and cardiac units. He has made presentations at conferences on how to be a calming force when patients' mental health issues interfere with their compliance.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Mount Sinai St.Luke's Hospital
Mount Sinai St.Luke's Hospital
Mandarin Chinese