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Advance Directives

  201-833-3243  Pastoral Care    |      info@holyname.org

Adults in the U.S. have a right to make decisions about their own healthcare, specifically whether to accept or refuse medical treatment. Often, we make these decisions after speaking with our providers about the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment options.

What happens, though, if you suffer a life-threatening injury, illness or permanent loss of mental capacity that makes you incapable of talking to a doctor and deciding which medical treatments you do or do not want? Who will make these decisions for you?

The best way to make certain you receive the treatment you want is to create an Advance Directive, a document that details your choices and designates a person – known as a healthcare proxy – to ensure these wishes are followed. Holy Name makes it easy for individuals to create an Advance Directive, which can be kept on your mobile device or printed and stored with your other medical documents.

Holy Name's Advance Directive is easy to follow and provides an accompanying video to explain the questions and your answer options. It also gives you the opportunity to upload other medical documents and to create your own video with a personal message to your loved ones. Once your Advance Directive is signed by two witnesses, it meets the requirements under New Jersey law and should be followed by emergency personnel in all medical settings.

It is Holy Name's policy to follow Advance Directives that meet requirements under New Jersey law. Please bring your Advance Directive with you so that it may be included in your medical file. If you have any questions, please contact Pastoral Care at 201-833-3243.

Click here to create your Advance Directive.