Updated Visitor Policy as of December 29, 2023: Learn More  
Affiliated Organizations
  HN Physicians   School of Nursing   HNH Fitness   Villa Marie Claire   Simulation Learning   Haiti Health Promise
Medical Partners Offices
Cardiovascular Specialists Pulmonary Specialists Obstetrics & Gynecology North Jersey Heart North Jersey Surgical Surgical Specialistss Primary Care Specialty Assoc. Urologic Specialties Women's Health Care

Volunteer Services

  201-833-3217    |      volunteers@holyname.org

Scope of Service

The department of volunteer services consists of women, men and teenagers representing the diverse community which Holy Name serves. We are committed to assisting patients, families, staff and visitors in a positive and courteous manner by:

  • Learning volunteer responsibilities in orientation and educational programs, job-related training and annual mandatory training.
  • Providing an extra dimension of care and service in a spirit of generosity.
  • Promoting the mission of Holy Name through other personal activities in which we engage.
  • Enhancing the Medical Center community outreach plans and resources through our communications to others.

There's something for everyone and no day is ever the same. If this sounds appealing to you, consider joining our team. Hundreds of volunteers serve in more than 100 areas of the Medical Center, with varying degrees of patient contact. The opportunities are almost limitless. No experience is necessary. Volunteers are trained for the positions they hold in the Medical Center.

For more information, email Holy Name's Voluteer Office at volunteers@holyname.org.