


Consumer Information and Program Outcomes Data

The School is in compliance with Public Law 101-226 Drug-Free Schools and Community 1989 and in compliance with Public Law 101-542 as amended - Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Federal Compliance

Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing, is in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974, does not discriminate on the, basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap or military veteran status in any of its education or employment policies, procedures or practices. This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll non-immigrant undocumented students.

Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing is in compliance with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act Title IV and maintains eligibility and certification requirements.

Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing ins in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (commonly known as the Buckley Amendment).

This school is in compliance with Public Law 101-226 Drug Free Schools and Community Act, Public Law 101-542 Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, American with Disabilities Act, and The Student Right to Know.

The diploma in nursing program at Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing meets the state education requirements for a Registered Professional Nurse license in the state of New Jersey. Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing has not determined if the diploma in nursing Registered Nurse program at Holy Name Medical Center meets the state education requirements in any other state, any U.S. Territory, or the District of Columbia.

Address/Operating Hours

The Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing is located on the Saint Michael Villa campus in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The school is adjacent to the Villa.

School of Nursing Administrative Offices are open Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Main phone: 551-248-4600
Main fax: 551-248-4699

School building is open to enrolled students Monday-Friday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM when classes are in session. Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday 6:00 AM - 2 PM, Fridays 6:00 AM - 12:00 PM.

Please use this address for GPS directions:
399 Hudson Terrace Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 (School building is adjacent to St. Michael's Villa)

Mailing address for the School of Nursing:
Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing
333 Hudson Terrace
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

Accreditation Information (RN Diploma Program and Practical Nurse Program)

The Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing Registered Nurse Program (Diploma) is accredited by the:
New Jersey Board of Nursing
PO Box 45010
Newark, New Jersey, 07101

The Diploma nursing program at Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing at 333 Hudson Terrace located in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree RD NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Diploma nursing program is continuing accreditation.

The Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing Practical Nurse Program is approved by the:
New Jersey Board of Nursing
PO Box 45010
Newark, New Jersey, 07101

School of Nursing Curriculum Tracks

The curriculum has three program tracks.

Diploma Program RN track is offered during daytime hours for individuals wishing to become a Registered Professional Nurse.

LPN to RN track is for students who currently possess a valid LPN license and would like to become a Registered Professional Nurse.

Practical Nursing (LPN) Program track is offered for individuals who would like to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). The program is offered during daytime hours.

Students may enroll as full-time or part-time students.

Day students begin lecture class at 8:00 am and clinical classes begin at 7:00 AM and end at approximately 2:00 PM.

Limited evening clinical classes are available. Evening classes begin at 3:00 PM.

Academic advisement and learning resources are available to all School of Nursing students. The Skills Labs and Computer Center are open daily and weekday evenings until 10:00 PM when school is in session.

Tuition and Fees:

Effective Fall 2024, the program cost for tuition and fees for the RN track is $46,354.00 which includes all nursing courses which are offered by the School of Nursing and curriculum general education and science courses which are offered onsite by St. Peters University.

Effective Fall 2024, the program cost for tuition and fees for the LPN to RN track is approximately $35,000 which includes all nursing courses which are offered by the School of Nursing and curriculum general education and science courses which are offered onsite by St. Peters University.

Effective Fall 2024, the program cost for tuition and fees for the LPN track is approximately $34,000 which includes all nursing courses which are offered by the School of Nursing and curriculum general education and science courses which are offered onsite by St. Peters University.

Financial Aid is available the School of Nursing Financial Aid Office. Nursing scholarships are available to enrolled students through the School of Nursing. Please refer to the appropriate tabs on this website for more information. Itemized tuition and fee schedules can be found on the SON website under the Expenses tab for each program track.

School of Nursing Program Outcomes (RN and LPN-RN Program Tracks)

  1. Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing NCLEX-RN licensure examination pass rate will be at least 80% for all first-time test takers for the 12-month period January 1 - December 31st.

    RN Program Track

    Year National NCLEX-RN
    Pass Rate**
    January 1st - December 31st 2023 88.55% 92.5% N=68
    January 1st - December 31st 2024 91.16% 85.07% N=67

    LPN-RN Program Track

    Year National NCLEX-RN
    Pass Rate
    January 1st - December 31st 2023 88.55% 100% N=7
    January 1st - December 31st 2024 91.16% 84.62% N=13

    * NCLEX-RN National Average retrieved from NCLEX Statistics from NCSBN
    ** NCLEX-RN Pass Rate Data retrieved from NJ State Board of Nursing

  2. 50% of the students who begin the first nursing course will graduate from the nursing program within 100% of the time frame allotted for the program track (on-time graduation).

    RN Program Track

    Year of first nursing
    course (August, 2021)
    Number of Students
    Starting (RN)
    Number of students
    who finished (RN)
    On-time Program Completion
    Percentage Rate (RN)
    2021-2023 82 50 61% (50/82)
    2022-2024 87 57 66% (57/87)

    LPN-RN Program Track

    Year of first nursing
    course (January, 2022)
    Number of Students
    Starting (LPN-RN)
    Number of students
    who finished (LPN-RN)
    Program Completion
    Percentage Rate (LPN-RN)
    2022-2023 10 7 70% (7/10)
    2023-2024 14 12 86% (12/14)

  3. 85% of Holy Name Medical Center Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing graduates who are seeking employment will obtain a registered nurse position within 12 months of graduation.

    Year of Graduation Number of
    Surveys Distributed
    Number of
    Surveys Returned
    Percent Returned Percent Employed
    as a Nurse
    2023 68 26 38% 96%
    2024 62 28 45% 100%

Requirements to Participate in Clinical Activities

Applicants to the School of Nursing must be able to perform specific skills in order to care for patients safely and perform all the procedures that would be required of a graduate nurse in the work force.

To enter the School of Nursing, applicants must be able to: Communicate in English to the patient, family and other support staff; hear a patient talk in a normal tone from a distance of 20 feet; visually observe the patient in order to assess the patient's condition and/or needs from a distance of at least 20 feet; read all written medical information pertaining to the patient; assess all readings and functions of technical equipment pertaining to patient care; render services and/or assistance to all patients, depending on the individual patient's needs and abilities in moving, turning, and lifting; be able to push, pull and lift 40 pounds; manipulate a stretcher, wheelchair and/or portable equipment within the medical facility without injury to self, patient or others; draw up sterile solutions without contaminating the syringe and/or needles, etc.; manipulate dials, buttons and switches; physically, be able to administer emergency care including performing CPR; be able to stand for periods as long as 2 hours and walk a distance of 2 miles during a normal work day.

Nursing students must comply with the Mandatory Student Requirements to Participate in Clinical Activities Policy outlined in the RN and LPN Student Handbooks.

All students admitted to the school of nursing will be required to complete a criminal background check and undergo a urine drug screen. In order to participate in nursing clinical course activities, the criminal background check and urine drug screen must be negative.


School of Nursing students may file a complaint to the New Jersey Board of Nursing regarding the Holy Name Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing. The process for filing a complaint is located on the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs website. Please choose the Board of Nursing as the professional board for the complaint form. https://njconsumeraffairs.state.nj.us/board-complaints

Questions regarding filing a complaint to the NJ Board of Nursing can be directed to the NJ Consumer Service Center at 973-504-6200.

2023 Campus Safety and Security Report

View full report


The Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing is ACEN-accredited, signifying Holy Name's commitment to national standards and our focus on continuous improvement of our nursing programs.