Updated Visitor Policy as of December 29, 2023: Learn More  
Affiliated Organizations
  HN Physicians   School of Nursing   HNH Fitness   Villa Marie Claire   Simulation Learning   Haiti Health Promise
Medical Partners Offices
Cardiovascular Specialists Pulmonary Specialists Obstetrics & Gynecology North Jersey Heart North Jersey Surgical Surgical Specialistss Primary Care Specialty Assoc. Urologic Specialties Women's Health Care

Physician Groups

  [email protected]

Physician Groups

Holy Name Medical Center (HNMC) has physicians that provide emergency and other medically necessary care to our patients. The services from these physicians are billed separately from the hospital and are not covered under HN's Financial Assistance Policy (FAP).

Holy Name also has incorporated entities that do not follow HN's FAP. Please reference Exhibit "A" for a list of the hospital departments where physician services are provided that do not follow HNMC's FAP and the incorporated entities. This exhibit will be reviewed not less than quarterly for any necessary changes.