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Having a chronic condition like MS can make it tough to maintain a fitness regimen, with symptoms like fatigue, coordination problems, weakness, low mood, among others. The good news is there are modifications to help you feel your best in the face of these challenges. Dr. Mary Ann Picone, Medical Director of the MS Center at Holy Name, offers some suggestions:

1. Work out at the time of the day when you have the most energy.

2. Find an exercise partner to help hold you accountabl to exercise with so you hold each other accountable and stay safe.

3. Go at your own pace. For example, if the thought of setting aside 30 minutes to exercise seems overwhelming, try breaking it up into 10 minute intervals. It provides just as much benefit.

4. Stay consistent. Even five to 10 minutes a day makes a difference!

5. Get creative. Try walking around the mall if the weather is bad. Look into aquatherapy, as the buoyancy of the water can decrease joint strain. If yoga is too difficult, modify the positions to your level of activity. Chair yoga and tai chi are also beneficial.

5. If you are in physical therapy, make sure you choose a facility experienced in taking care of patients with MS, so they take into consideration your specific situation. An online program called The MS Gym also has many exercises for patients of all abilities.

The team at Holy Name's MS Center is always here to support your goals. Please get in touch if there is anything we can help you with!