Dear Residency Candidate,
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Holy Name is a vibrant, innovative health system comprised of Holy Name Medical Center, the Institute for Clinical Research, the Patricia Lynch Cancer Center, Villa Marie Claire (a residential hospice), the Russell Berrie Institute for Simulation Learning, the Alfiero & Lucia Palestroni Foundation Multiple Sclerosis Center, the Interventional Institute, the Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing, and HNH Fitness. Entering its 100th year in 2025, the Medical Center is a not-for-profit, comprehensive 361-bed acute care hospital, that was established and operates for the promotion of health and to serve the public in Northern New Jersey and the New York City region.
Our Program mission is to train excellent, well-rounded, compassionate physicians who draw purpose and joy from providing exemplary patient care, pursuing and teaching lifelong learning and development, and fostering well-being in themselves and others. We will achieve this through intentional career crafting from the beginning of Residency, with close emphasis on strengthening your well-being and ownership of your longitudinal learning and growth (preparing for the ABIM Certification exam, progressing well in the 6 ACGME competencies, deepening acumen and humility, and practicing a growth/learning mindset) and leveraging the Residency curricular components to support your unique journey. As a Program Director and an Internal Medicine/Preventive Medicine Physician, my career passion is teaching, mentoring, advising and preparing my Residents to positively impact their patients on the individual and population levels (including the social drivers of health) and to build the narrative for their future careers and callings through clinical rotations, quality improvement activities, and scholarly/research (clinical and community-based) projects.
As Physicians, we are given the great trust and calling to take care of and walk alongside our patients in their most vulnerable times in the inpatient settings and also when they are ready to take ownership of their well-being and healthspan in the outpatient settings. Through training at Holy Name's Internal Medicine Residency Program, you will be well-equipped with the requisite skills to provide exemplary, whole person care across the various clinical settings that span the spectrum of Internal Medicine. You'll be learning in a nurturing environment that fosters well-being in its trainees, faculty, staff, and patients and enables them to do the same for others. We are building and cultivating an excellent, just, and kind Residency and I am excited to see how you will use your training here at Holy Name to do great things for our patients, community, and beyond.
Warm regards,
Victoria C. Costales, MD, MPH
Holy Name GME Internal Medicine Program Director
Victoria C. Costales, MD, MPH
Internal Medicine/Preventive Medicine Physician
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
Holy Name