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Joanne Curtis

A 5-Star Delivery Experience at Holy Name

Holy Name Patient Stories - Joanne Curtis

Going into labor early can be disconcerting, but Joanne Curtis felt taken care of as soon as she arrived at Holy Name’s emergency room with her mother and husband, Josh. Joanne’s second child was due in early October 2023, but her water broke unexpectedly on September 26th.

“Everyone was calm and smiling,” she remembers. The team’s clear and helpful communication put her at ease. Many of the nurses and staff were bilingual, which allowed for good communication with Joanne’s Spanish-speaking mother.

Joanne was born at Holy Name, so it only made sense to her that she would deliver her own children there, a place she calls “the Ritz-Carlton of hospitals.” She is grateful for the peaceful, private delivery suite she had as well as the confident nurses who exuded “attentiveness, professionalism, and kindness” and were there for her whenever she pressed the call button.

“It doesn’t even feel like you’re sharing a nurse because the attention is one on one,” Joanne said.

Giving birth to a child is physically exhausting and leaves new mothers hungry for a good meal and a nap – two things that aren’t generally considered accessible in hospitals. Joanne feels fortunate that when she was at Holy Name, she was able to have both.

Joanne’s first meal after giving birth included filet mignon, sparkling cider, and cheesecake. It made her feel celebrated and helped her to refuel after her difficult delivery. The nurses also put a note on her door indicating that she shouldn’t be disturbed, and Joanne was able to sleep for a solid six hours while her new baby, Brooke, was taken care of in the nursery.

After her birth, Brooke spit up a bit of blood. Joanne was able to speak to a Holy Name pediatrician right away and stay in the hospital for an extra 24 hours so she could feel confident that she and her baby were safe and healthy. She learned that the spit up was the result of Brooke swallowing some blood during her birth and was nothing to be concerned about. The extra observation time, though, reassured Joanne so she could feel confident bringing her baby home. When she was discharged, Joanne was given clear, helpful aftercare instructions, and offered lots of formula and supplies to take home with her. The follow-up phone calls she received from the hospital were kind and comforting.

Joanne understands that it can be difficult to find an OB/GYN that makes you feel comfortable and frequently recommends Dr. Paula Barcia Pena to friends.

“She’s full of energy, she’s family oriented, and she’s gentle,” Joanne said. “With her, it’s natural. She just makes you feel comfortable.”

Joanne is grateful and proud that both her children were delivered at Holy Name, and she’ll sing the praises of the doctors, nurses, and staff to anyone who asks.

“I’m honored,” she said. “I really am. I wish I could pay [all the nurses] back in some way and give them the feeling that they gave me.”

To learn more about The BirthPlace visit The BirthPlace at Holy Name.